Natural burial differs in the most part from conventional burial in that traditional headstones are not used.
Instead a living memorial can be created by way of a native tree and or wildflowers.
A selection of trees will be available to be purchased as a memorial, at a cost of £65 per tree. Only one tree will be permitted per grave - one tree on a double plot. The cost includes purchase of the tree, appropriate guarding and planting in the next tree planting season following interment, along with aftercare. Regrettably trees are not available on ashes interments unless you are willing to purchase a single burial plot for this. Ashes being interred in a single burial plot with a tree does allow for 2 - 4 sets of ashes to be interred together.
The existing coppice provides opportunity to have a tree near ashes, the rate of trees is one per 4 ash plots.
Trees available are:
- Alder Buckthorn
- Cornish Elm
- Crab Apple
- Guelder Rose
- Hawthorn
- Hazel
- Holly
- Oak
- Spindle
- Wild Cherry
- Wayfaring
Not all trees are always available so each year I will contact families and ask them to choose from the list that we have available at that time. For each tree planted from the 2020 tree planting season onwards we will be making a £5.00 donation per tree to The Woodland Trust. Look out for our donation news in the spring time.
Wildflower seeds may be scattered on graves. However, seeds must be obtained from Atlantic Rest Natural Burial. This is to ensure that inappropriate species are not contained within the mix, that may have originated from abroad. Wildflower seeds will be provided free of charge. Please note that these will not be posted until the ground has settled and is ready to receive the seeds.
Memorial Plaques:
We have had a lot of requests for some form of marker and we have now sourced a biodegradable wood product to do just this. Plaques will be available to sit flush with the ground level and will be expected to return to the earth in a timescale of somewhere between 5-10 years.
Markers cost £50.
Please click here to open a pdf document of the different choices for plaque images and some examples.