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Atlantic Rest Natural Burial

Advance Funeral Wishes

Advance Funeral Wishes

Added at 10:44 on 22 March 2024

We've just discovered a form that has been in circulation for a while from The Natural Death Centre Charity.  

This is an incredible tool that will help to think through things; that you may or may not like to happen to your body, after death.  

Your wishes can be overridden after you die - but you can make every effort to make your wishes known. 

Please find a link to the downloadable form here.

If you are unable to print a copy - please get in contact and I will post you a copy. 

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If you are visiting our website because you are due to attend a burial with us - please read the 'On the day INFO' page.  This is located under the 'Home' page drop down menu.

Reading this will benefit your overall experience on the day.  You can find a quick link to the page here:

 * On the day INFO *

Thank you.

