Cemetery of the Year Awards - F I N A L I S T
Added on 02 September 2019
Some exciting news to share.....back in July we were asked as a natural burial provider if we’d like to take part in the Cemetery of the Year Awards in the new ‘Natural Burial’ category. ??
I pondered this for a couple of weeks and asked a few questions and so on - I then decided it’s a free competition so we have nothing to loose, I just needed to answer some questions online about our procedures and how we run our site and so forth.
After the competition closes everyone entered gets a spreadsheet of their answers and we found that we actually scored very high. About a week later I had a phone call from one of the adjudicators to say that our score was in the top three in the country in our category!!!
So this meant that my answers were adjudicated on Thursday afternoon just gone and we were told that we need to attend the award ceremony later this month!
So Tom and I will be attending the ICCM - Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management exhibition where the ceremony will take place on 24th September.
We look forward to letting you all know how we get on and thank everyone for their continued support ????