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Atlantic Rest Natural Burial

COVID-19 Precautionary Measures

Added on 17 March 2020

COVID-19 Precautionary Measures for Atlantic Rest Natural Burial.


As we are all well aware there is a growing concern over the rapidly spreading virus COVID-19.


We do not want to prohibit people from burying their loved ones during this time.  There is at present no reason not to continue to bury people as the virus will die with the host.  However we must all take great care in precautionary measures to prevent the possible spread of the virus from those attending.


When burials take place:


We will be encouraging gatherings to be as small as practicably possible - larger memorial services can always be held at a later date when it is deemed safe to do so.


We will be offering hand santizer to all attendees of any burials and asking them to use it on entering the site and before leaving the site.  (if hand santizer becomes impossible to source we will have to offer hand wipes and disposable nappy sacks for them to be taken home and disposed of, we really hope not to do that due to the non environmental credentials of that but if needs must - safety is paramount).


No contact will take place between staff and attendees of burials - ie hugging or handshaking.  Everyone will be expected to keep their distance from one another.


The toilet and the door handles/lock are being cleaned each time I visit Penlow along with the gate latch - however I am not visiting quite as frequently at present with trying to restrict unnecessary journeys.


Lowering webs are always subject to a 60 degree in the washing machine after each use. I will be the only one handling them before and after use with gloves and they will be transported in a sealed plastic bag to and from Penlow. 


Paperwork relating to a burial (ie green form or white form) will be placed in a plastic wallet and not opened to be dealt with for 24 hours.


Tours of Penlow are still going ahead if people want them too.  Providing that they are fit and well and providing that I am too.  Regrettably no hot drinks are not currently being offered with a tour as previously.  The windows are being opened throughout the duration of the meeting while in the office.



As burials are outside which minimises risk factors.  Please do not attend if you feel unwell with any of the corona virus symptoms.   If it is warranted we could look at the possibility of streaming a burial service to anyone that wanted to be there.  We have not done this before but there are ways and means no doubt.


These measures are subject to change at any time in line with Public Health England and Government guidelines.


Thank you






Sheridon Rosser

Atlantic Rest Natural Burial
